A doll greets the real world,
Manufactured far away,
Fresh from her packaging,
Unharmed and seeking play.
Her batteries are new,
Her hopes alive and well.
The manual is missing.
No directions to foretell.
Living's not her forte.
She retreats within her box.
The cellophane protects her
From life's school of hard knocks.
Combative with the world,
Each time she ventures out,
Confidence exemplified
While inside filled with doubt.
One day a Man appears
Peddling respite from her woe.
She scarce believes His wild claims
But a voice within shouts "GO".
She follows Him with caution,
Remaining safely back,
One foot within her wrappings
To escape if led off track.
She wants to gamble nothing,
To grow up without pain,
Her self-imposed illusions
A debilitating drain.
Slowly He reveals His truth,
Mastery His calling.
He shatters her delusions
Which leaves her weak and bawling.
She fights Him with her mind
While giving Him her soul,
Oblivious to truth,
Winning still her goal.
Resistance soon consumes her,
Treading water, sinking still.
Struggling internally
To make her way uphill.
Master can take just so much
Until He wields His whip,
Warning her of more to come
If she let's her tongue slip.
Clarity soon finds her,
Wrought by Master's words and arm.
It's love that guides His actions
And His pain that spares her harm.
Having cake and eating it,
Being boss and humble slave
Yields her exactly nothing
Save for a mental grave.
She must discard her package,
Step forward with no ties,
Trust fully in her Master,
Acknowledge self-told lies.
Casting off her batteries,
Dead so very many years,
She puts her faith in Master,
Delivers Him her fears.
Her questions do not matter.
She takes Him at His word.
Obeying absolutely,
The thought of doubts absurd.
He inserts His strong 9-volt,
And though time has taken toll,
He loves her, His precious own
In absolute control.
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