He is owner; i am owned.
He commands; i obey.
He is to be pleased; i am to please.
Why is this?
Because He is Master; i am slave.
i live for my Master. His word is law.
i am for His pleasure always.
i am slave.
i am but to obey.
Master said to break it down line by line but it really doesn't lend itself well to that because its beauty is in the fact that it is so straightforward and simple. But Master said to do it and when He commands, i obey. Um...
He is Master; i am slave.
Well DUH! What can be added to that?
I went to the dictionary for input. The noun form of Master has several definitions including:
-one that conquers or masters
-one having control
-an owner, especially of a slave or animal
The definition about one having control and the one about the owner both fit in blatant ways but it is the first one which most speaks to me. A Master always has control. A Master is always the owner. But He does NOT always conquer. Often there is no need. Some people are slave and they always know it. They may have meek or subservient personalities that just lend themselves well to the lifestyle.
In my case there was a need to conquer, something i think has only begun to truly happen, and i think that's why i gravitate toward the first definition. Master is conquering me in little ways all the time, little ways that are quickly adding up to transform me into someone more submissive than i can believe. Before Master, i was totally untamed and seemingly untamable in many respects. The idea of Gor and slavery had some appeal but only as small doses of fantasy. The fact that i am being conquered in real ways makes the distinction all the more pronounced. In that vain, He is truly Master and i truly am slave.
The dictionary defines slave, in its noun form as:
-a person in servitude as the chattel of another
-one that is completely subservient to a dominating influence
Well, the obvious response is to point out that Gorean slaves are not people but rightless animals. i do like the term chattel though. Master never calls us chattel, i don't think. Hmmm.
As to the second definition, i definitely do not meet the standard of complete subservience. Increasing subservience, certainly, but far from complete. i used to think that made me either a bad slave or a poor choice as kajira. It just makes me at a certain point on a path though. It's more a matter of what i aspire to and the effort i make than having reached perfection, an impossibility anyhow. It took a long time before i understood that and there are still times when i need to be reminded of it.
Besides, i take exception to this definition. There have been slaves throughout world history who rebelled. i hardly think they were not slaves despite their failing to be entirely subservient. LOL, i'll even argue with a dictionary! Thank God complete subservience is not required from the start.
He is owner; i am owned.
This makes the clear distinction that i am property and therefore, to my thinking, less than human. It also establishes that i am Master's as opposed to some stray wandering around aimlessly. Without Master as my owner, being slave would be an impossibility for me and, at best, tedious and without meaning. i cannot imagine wearing the collar of another. i think that's why i was not in the lifestyle sooner. The right Master hadn't yet found me. Or was it i who found Him? Not just any man can be Master and i was never willing to do more than dabble in play with those who are anything less. Master is the real thing and deserving of the label "owner".
He commands; i obey.
Okay, this has been a challenging one for me but i feel as if i have made real strides lately. The slave creed doesn't say anything about exceptions and while the complete subservience referred to above might be an attitudinal impossibility, obeying absolutely is not a physical one. Master does not command me to do that which i cannot. That leaves it as a matter of choice whether i obey. More and more i have been obedient. It has not been a matter of doing so to avoid punishment or even doing it for the right reasons but having to force and fight myself. Being obedient has just gotten to be what feels right. It is FINALLY more comfortable to obey Master than to resist or defy Him. This is not to say that my comfort is a consideration because it obviously should not be. It's just so much nicer not to feel as if i'm always swimming upstream against the current.
He is to be pleased; i am to please.
This speaks again to the fact that my comfort is irrelevant. i am tired right now, don't especially like this topic for writing, and want to abandon the blog to go to bed. But Master wishes me to write this. i do it not simply to obey but because, in giving Him obedience, i please Him. i am not simply here to carry out actions but to provide an emotional component, that of pleasure.
The truth of it is that in pleasing Master, i find pleasure myself. In fulfilling all the parts of the slave creed, i not only please Master but i find a deep and otherwise elusive contentment. i learn about myself and better understand who i am and why. i become who i am supposed to be and live a life of honesty instead of hiding. In displeasing Master, i find misery.
The creed is not just an arbitrary depictions of how things SHOULD be but an outline of what WORKS. It is the map to success for both Masters and slaves. Though i write this as the slave i am, it occurs to me that it is as important for Masters to know the creed as it is slaves. Master wanted me to include why every kajira should learn the creed. Well i'll be so bold as to say every Master should too. Neither can fulfill His/her role without the other. A Master who fails to own and command cannot maintain a slave who behaves as obedient property. The roles complement one another and are interdependent.
Why is this?
Because He is Master; i am slave.
i think that in its simplicity this simply illustrates that it is not to be questioned, perhaps not even analyzed as i am doing in this blog entry. It is the way of things. The roles are what they are. They have no need for so much scrutiny and over-interpretation that they become biased and tainted by either personal or societal factors. He is Master. That's it. i am slave. There need be no more reason than that.
i live for my Master; His word is law.
This rings true more and more for me lately, not just in action but in my thinking. Master is never far from my thoughts, waking or sleeping. i am consumed with wanting to be with Him, even if silently and without interaction. His commands seldom leave me rankled any longer, obeying only after fighting down the urge to argue or refuse. They are law. When He says something, i usually respond now without first running it through my own filter of opinions and tastes. That is because i see Him foremost. He is my reason.
i am for His pleasure always.
Okay, this is getting redundant here and i am getting even more tired. i discussed the idea of pleasure already though this line specifies "always"... That means even when what brings Master pleasure is something i DO need to fight down the urge to argue or refuse... It means that when my opinions and tastes rebelliously surface, they are irrelevant. Just as obedience must be absolute, my goal of His pleasure must be as well.
i am slave.
Okay, i got that. slave. i'm it. Not much more i can say on that front just now.
i am but to obey.
i'm pretty sure i covered this as well. Maybe it's a little reminder on the end for forgetful kajirae like i can be. The fact that it ends with this line, the black and white of the period at the end of the line, give it a finality which i often need. Left to my own devices, i would probably add on exceptions...
i am but to obey EXCEPT when:
-i don't like the command
-i don't feel like it
-it's too much trouble
-Master won't find out anyhow
The slave creed ends with none of these exceptions, however. i guess that is intended to drive the point home so that it does not need to be done with a whip. Recalling this will serve me well so that i may serve Master well.
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