Thursday, January 15, 2009

Not my Usual Post

i was shopping in Walmart this evening. Now, my dogs are about as indulged as i thought dogs could be and they are the joyful recipients of any number of silly dogs treats... ones that look like sandwich cookies, ones flavored like filet mignon, ones alleged to be dried and smoked bull penises. Yum! So i was not at all surprised initially as i surveyed the pet aisle. Logically, this post might go on to describe my spotting the elaborately designed collars and leashes and imagining them fastened on me for my romp with Master.

Nope! Not even close! i was actually just so taken aback by something that i felt compelled to blog about it even though it has nothing to do with being kajira. Walmart actually sells low fat dog snacks in a box which has them individually packaged in... get this... 100 calorie packs! i was so amused that i actually texted Joni right then and there to tell her.

Low fat 100 calorie snack packs for dogs! What is this world coming to? Is that so the dog doesn't inadvertently overeat directly from the package while camped out on the couch watching Animal Planet? Is there psychological influence on the canine psyche which makes being able to eat an entire package more satisfying than simply having one small portion from a larger package?

Last i checked, my dogs don't have opposable thumbs and this rely upon me to produce their from where i store them and apportion them as i see fit. Thus the need for 100 calorie packs utterly escapes me. If my dogs were overweight, i'd give them fewer treats. Imagine that! What a comically asinine product! Needless to say, i did not buy them. i simply had to share that experience with others.

To turn this blog back to the topic of kajira, i do stress over how indulged my dogs are and the likelihood that i will not be able to supply them with as many perks when i am with Master as they are currently accustomed to getting. That upsets me. i worry more about their response to the loss of usual luxuries than i do mine. i don't want them to feel denied or deprived.

The kajira moment i did have while in Walmart had nothing to do with the dogs. The clothing reminded me of just how shoddy my clothing is. So much of it is torn or stained and horrendous looking. As absurd as it is to want to get some new clothes before going to Master, in front of whom i'll rarely wear any, i do. i realized that i don't know what the limits are, if any, to the clothes i'll be able to wear in public situations. i texted Him from Walmart to ask and am awaiting His answer.

i accidentally skipped my meds last night and felt okay today though Joni told me i was even more obnoxious than usual today. i truly didn't see it in myself but i take Joni's word for it. i can't really play "catch up" with the meds but want to be particularly diligent in taking them now because MANY incidents i've had in screwing up have been after messing up with my medication several times in several days.

i'll stop there. Life is good. No complaints. i love Master and the family and can't wait to be with them irl. 162 days and they're dwindling fast. Woohoo!

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